Soundtracks: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

List of artists: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

It is not known who’ll be the actors, but the creators promise to share the data just when the casting’ll be finished img 0

Disney Will Teach How To Travel In Time

Disney  is preparing to surprise with the next project. If you read in childhood book about a crack in time, so now you remember the story a little and even may want to revive its beauty in memory. Disney decided to involve the same writer, who already participated in the film Frozen. The book was firstly presented in 60s; it managed to win many awards. If talk about the most impressive, it was a Newbery Medal. At that time, it was a breakthrough: the first such book in science fiction. Perhaps it's the reason why it's won so many children’s, and adult’s hearts.

Viewers opinions

Nevertheless, one of previous experiments left a negative impression. There was a film in this genre, children's story, they wanted to turn into the serious film, but we received only the terrible boredom. Now, the audience hesitates that creators’ll do something worthy. Perhaps it is the reason, why movie is responded by the audience, as something that is worth waiting for, but not something that certainly breathless while watching. But we still hope that Disney took into account their mistakes. As the creator, was chosen a director Selma Ava DuVernay, who already has several works. She had successful experiments, as well as not very good ones, but critics tend to remember more only bad options.

Key words

In the base of the picture, there is a story time of travelers. If you read the book, you should do the same that those who did not read it: learn the story again. There are three antagonists, children from a local school, among which, of course, a nice girl and a popular boy, who, among other his pros, is also a great athlete with pretty nice body and also its specific parts. Their adventure begins one night when… well, we should not, perhaps, tell the main secrets – in this case, watching and reading’ll not be so interesting. Wrinkle in Time is only the beginning of the whole series, in which the author has created a full four books. Some say that the first was the most successful, anyway, to understand and to appreciate them you need to read the whole series. The author also created a book, a prequel, which describes the adventures of previous generations as if to look in comparison. Thus, on a bookshelf a number of stories connected by one thread can line up. The period of writing was from 62 to 89, and now may be the basis for this film’s saga. But this opportunity'll become real only if the new director’ll cope with a difficult task.