Music Blog
How to sing better
Singing can be something that some people can do, while others aren’t simply fit for that. Whilst there are not too many people who can’t sing at all because they have just a terrible vox by nature no matter what they do, it would be the right thing to say that most other people can sing – if only they learn & practice.
Soundtrack: history, the meaning, interesting facts
The brief history of origins of soundtracks. How much time does it take to make a soundtrack?
The favorite movie soundtracks of 2020
As Corona still takes our minds, the movie industry postpones a lot of movies and other products to film and appear. We’re cheered that the previous year, 2019, was the most successful one amongst all years of the film industry but now, in 2020, it is not that easy to find decent best movies – as there are a few movies themselves. That also affects the soundtrack capacity.
What are the most used songs in soundtracks
While one songs are destined just for some moment in some particular movie – just think of Terminator’s 2 final theme, ‘I don’t Wanna Miss a Thing’ in Armageddon or Titanic’s ‘My Heart Will Go On’, the other ones aren’t connected to the moment itself, but are tightly associated with the movie business in general. We representing you the list of most used songs in the film business that you may hear sometimes for decades around you.
The most popular trailer songs
The most popular tracks for the trailers? There is such a thing. Especially for you, we’ve prepared the exclusive list below, so enjoy the top-10 positions.
The best soundtracks lyrics
In our hit parade of the best songs lyrics used in soundtracks, we invite you to embrace a list of top 20 items that you can enjoy endlessly. So, here we go.
Best movie soundtracks ever
Have you ever wondered what are the best movie soundtracks ever made for more than a century of the movie business? In this overview below, we are proud to present you the top 15 pieces that are included in the best of the best, wildest of the hottest and the most cherishing soundtracks of all times. Do to that job we took exclusively world-famous sources like RollingStone and the like to deliver you undoubtful leaders, known worldwide.
How DiCaprio uses the power of money for good
The star of many films, ranging from the legendary Titanic and ending with his last work, which finally earned an Oscar, Leonardo DiCaprio decided to try himself in a new role for him: now he appeared not as an actor but as a writer in a new project The Ivory Games. This is a very deep movie that already has had time to touch the hearts of the audience because the theme is reflected in it concerns residents of Earth not less than the global warming and other issues, where the culprit at the first place is the man.
From superheroes to world politics
Creator of Avengers Joss Whedon is ready to proceed to the next project, and it is not the same: the plans of the filmmaker amaze with their scale. It seems that Joss decided to cover simply all the topics: he has worked on movies about superheroes, and now shifted to something much more responsible. In a short time, it is possible we shall wait for the major project devoted to the Second World War. An interesting fact is that Whedon came up to collect information for his script very thoroughly, namely, he began to travel to Germany to Poland.
The main secret of the March finale
There are some movies that become truly iconic. It does not have to be a legendary saga that tells only about the philosophy in a boring way but it can be action, some movies in which we can film by film see how the characters change, to see what's going on with their lives and outlook as they become wiser and changing. X-Men is one of such projects. However, we are not talking about a full history, but its side branch, of which we want to tell you today.
Amy Adams Mystery
When we hear the name Edward in the film, which at first looks like a romantic saga, the first thing we remember is foul-smelling legend named Twilight. However, Tom Ford decided it was time to give the name of the new person and the person it belongs to is Jake Gyllenhaal. However, whether everything is so simple and there just another story about a romance with a light hint of danger waiting for us? No. Hell no. Rather, it will be a story about the dangers, soaked with romance.
Horror in SPA
There are directors, only heard the name of which we are aware in the credits of the film – it would be a worthwhile thing. Gore Verbinski is one of the legendary masters of possession camera and a special vision, which brings to each film something recognizable, the darkness with light fractions and it is very attractive. The same it was with the franchise Pirates of the Caribbean, where every new film turns the story from a fairy tale in a real horror film, but at the same time remained criminally exciting. Now Gore is ready to give us his new creation: Cure for Wellness.
Ice and Flame: Secrets of new comedies
What happens when a jealous brother is to be introduced to the boyfriend of his sister? If they won't like each other, the future wedding can be ruined! Most likely, they quarrel and the story will end, but apparently, not when it comes to comedy with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart! The two will find a way not only to diversify the subject of the picture but also really to have plenty of fun, even if the communication will be the third time on the big screen. The next Ride Along is being prepared by the legendary studio, and in the meantime, we already pack suitcases!
Arthouse horrors and what do they mean
Do you like horror movies? We have not seen anything truly terrifying and at the same time something that is hard to understand. The film, which we describe today, is breaking all records of frenzy of frightening: Tabloid Vivant is a new film the genre of which really cannot be determined. This movie is appeared on the network only in the form of the trailer, as its premiere is scheduled for a later time. The movie already has both fans and part of the audience, which frankly does not understand what's going on in the plot.
US-French alliance
Brad Pitt, one of the most attractive men in Hollywood, not so long ago was left without support in the face of his already almost ex-wife: only indolent media did not discuss this news. Apparently, Brad decided to choose a new dangerous and beautiful companion Marion Cotillard, at least for the screen intrigues…
Disney Mystery: Beautiful… again
Well, instead of preludes we'll say at once: the second part of the movie “Enchanted” is finally going to come out in theaters! And we’ve decided to recall what attracted us in the first part of this motion picture.
What did horrors miss: Zombine!
Each genre has a certain timeless classic that remains valid at all times. Regarding the horror, we can say that it was the subject of a zombie apocalypse has already experienced a tremendous amount of experimentation and renewal. We have seen The Dead Man Walking, have seen several TV series, based on the theme of the struggle when the dead come alive, and we already feel that this genre is impossible to make something radically new to surprise us and to make us want to watch movies about zombies again. However, the creators of Zombie have managed to find the feature on which you can and laugh, and be involved in a terrible story!
The new demographic reality
Filmmakers often try to show in their work the theme of the new reality, which is not only more advanced but also more brutal. For example, in the film The Time, we saw what it would be if we had the minutes instead of currency, as well as learned how really important to appreciate every moment. The new project will be the main value of the human mind – the very thing for which will now be judged on an individual's fit to the society.
Urgent message to Captain
If you ask, what the story in the movie in the world has been and still remains among the most colorful and popular ones, most will tell you that it's Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp was able to embody the image of the hero so clearly that it is still adored. Jack became a cult character of parodies on Halloween and all film festivals or comic books; fans around all world indignantly exclaim, “Captain Jack Sparrow!” – and his name will not be forgotten. What is the reason we do remember about this? In front of us is the next series about the adventures of our favorite hero!
Women part
What kind of movies do you know about women? Such that were created about the ladies, of all ages, different characters, and appearance, warm catchy films, filled with everyday humor and leaving a trace in the soul of each peeking these pictures? 8 femmes? Maybe movies about the era of suffragettes? It is difficult to say for sure, but we can say definitely that the next big project in this category is invariably Women Of The 20th Century.
The city where madness lives
What associations do you have with a city called Gotham? Of course, the first thing you think is a cutie Batman, which for some reason does not appear in the series of the same name. But new villains regularly appear in this masterpiece of the film industry. Gloomy acquaintances, new and frightening – say, which one of them is your favorite? In the new season, the creators have prepared a little surprise for the loyal fans of the show.
Regal secrets
How much do we really know about what is going on in parliament? How much do we know about the throne games? Can we even imagine Her Majesty as a young girl who only recently learned of her rights to the throne and was absolutely not ready to become the monarch? Now it is very difficult to imagine that at one time it was the most that neither is true. Simple and very frightening, despite that Elizabeth coped with all adversity.
Question of the world
There are actors, which we used to see in the role of villains. And there are actors whom we like more in the role of the good guys. And there are those who can manage with both characters. Among these, we can put Jeffrey Dean Morgan easily and with pleasure, who will soon reveal the world a wonderful project in which he is directly involved. What is this project? ‘Desierto’ film from the creator of ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’ rocked the whole of Hollywood thanks to a sharp subject that touched it.
The magic returns
It remains quite a bit of time to the moment when a new story appears on the big screen, telling of the world's most famous eleven-year-old teenager in the book history. Many have already heard that story directly that Harry Potter can be continued, but that is something that can literally be touched because the full trailer of ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’ has already appeared on the web. Enjoying the spectacular thing, it is impossible not to share your thoughts about this picture, impressive in every respect.
Christmas kinda miracle
Someone loves Christmas for gifts, someone – for a great opportunity to spend time together with family, someone – for plenty of ways to earn. Santa Claus may be different, but most importantly, he must be such that everyone would remember this holiday. Rest assured that this Christmas would be remembered for everyone! The fact is that here comes Billy Bob Thornton and his little helpers (look like the elves). Together they will give us not so much a fairy tale as the real madness in the upcoming movie Bad Santa – the second part is just getting ready for the big screen!
New Space Odyssey
After Jennifer Lawrence broke into Hollywood with her epic roles, including a significant role in the X-Men franchise, she continues to be the one amongst the most popular ladies acting on stage. Not surprisingly, the large-scale project Passengers did not pass without her participation. Lawrence plays a major role, together with Chris Pratt, who, oddly enough, had many detractors among fans.
Children's horror is not for children
By the autumn season and the winter, horrors are significantly gaining momentum. Now it is not just a new movie, but really frightening news with such stories, which we had not previously heard. Everyone remembers the scary movie about Bride of Chucky, a creepy doll that on the one hand was even cute. New dolls in horror films are not made of fragile porcelain, but the real voodoo doll turned into people.
The real horror
After the premiere of the animated films as Sausage party where everyday things are explained in terms of jokes and comedy of the same humor, the real horror lies in wait ahead. On the basis of one of the best-selling films, the director decided to create something truly frightening: based on real data movie about… rats. There are few fans of these animals in the world, and if we take into account which side of them the director decided to show, it gets worse. In short, if you decide to read the article, simultaneously eating a sandwich, it is better to postpone eating until flickering footage of the announcement of the film Rats will not be before your eyes.
The agents rush to the fire!
How do you feel about the various crossovers, when one story is to be seamlessly intertwined with the other, and the result is a magnificent duet with two favorite heroes or even three, four, etc? Apparently, creators that made Agents of Shield by Marvel Studios decided that it was a great idea for a new season. In the fourth part of the famous franchise that won a huge following, we will see the Ghost Rider! However, little not in the way in which we used to see him. Many fans, by the way, are very unhappy with this turn of the plot.
Modern American Nightmare
This is not a gentle Lake House. This is a real House of horrors: a little cabin in the woods can be a luxurious haven for young couples. They love each other, they have a great time together, they are going to spend the rest of life side by side with each other, but… what could hurt them? The answer to this question lies in the first series of the acclaimed TV show American Horror Story, the sixth season of which started a few days ago in worldwide box office.
A new round of heavy romance
How long the world has gone crazy for the book and the movie that became an absolute bestseller: “Fifty shades of gray?” It would seem that it was only recently, but more than a year has passed! Apparently, it took just enough time for getting another piece of adventures of favorite heroes came on screen. That is why today our main announcement of a big premiere: Christian and Anastasia are back to hit us with frankness of their desires in the new film “Fifty shades darker”. Meet new trailer!
Welcome to Hell… again
Once upon a time Underworld was a true revolution in the world of cinema: vampires and werewolves theme played with totally new colors, we saw all the supernatural beings in a living light, and with a variety of special effects. Much time has passed since then, as the heroine of Kate Beckinsale first appeared on screen in the role, but little has changed in relation to the popularity of this tape. Many compared it to Resident Evil on the richness of the atmosphere, but still Underworld is one of the pillars on which rests the grandeur of cinema in the genre of fantasy and mysticism. However, we are pleased to announce the imminent release of the next part of the epic and the emergence of freely available trailer for this film, which deserves attention!
Little story with a great sense
We know Will Smith and his roles, we watched films by the director, who presented us the following picture, which will be discussed. For example, The Devil Wears Prada is still one of the favorite movies for many fans. On the other hand, Smith is always Smith, he has a special manner, for which he is loved by his fans.
Second chance
Few series on American television deserve a second chance. The whole point is that too many new tapes can be made in record time, so there is no need to return to the screen closed for whatever reason of whatsoever projects, except that if it does not apply to any special circumstances. We have already seen a huge pile of interesting detective series, starting with the legendary CSI Miami and ending with such classic works as a film adaptation of stories by Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. Longmire is a series that was given a second chance, and we still do not know what kind of merit made it deserving this chance. Let's try to understand why this film deserves such a special treatment?
Faith magic
How versatile can Hollywood actor be? This may be a person who acts as an assistant or the main character, a man who claims to be the best actor of the year and, at the same time, transforms him or herself into an ordinary citizen in the film. Can anyone play God? Debatable: we will not have the opportunity to compare with the original version, but Jude Law has decided to get closer to the firmament. His new role is the Pope. Man, of course, who is quite normal and mortal, but only on the one side. Blockbuster (at least, it promises to become one), which is called The Young Pope is to absolutely soon be presented to the audience on the big screen.
Sporting victory
Many people know what‘s mascot. Mascot's a luck symbol, a talisman of a team, a club in basketball, football, etc. But what if to develop this theme and create a whole movie based on the most unusual and interesting costumes for mascots? We will learn what result is going to look like after film'll be premiered, whose trailer is now available for viewing on social networks. Exciting already?
New life of old iron
Recently, we have significantly deviated from the superhero theme, despite the fact that it does not cease to be relevant – new films continue to emerge and make us very happy. Not so long ago, we have learned how the new film about the return of the legendary Spider-Man would relate with no less legendary Iron Man. The studio decided to entrust the right to make a film to the same director, which in his time Tony Stark invited to the big screen, and made him a superstar.
Musical Olympus
The latest news from the shooting of stunning new film, which will be the third, maybe even not the final part of the franchise Pitch Perfect. This is a story about a group of singers, chorus girls, who perform a-capella, and this case is simply a matter of their lives. Over the previous two films, girls grew up, became more experienced. They now have much more complex and difficult aims to win, but it does not stop them!
Horror in the new format
There are the classic horror movies that just don’t bother and don’t get old. Usually it refers to work of Bram Stoker's Dracula. We have already seen it as musical and not a single movie and read the book, many sequels and prequels and now it is time for a new genre: the audio book in the new voice acting!
The main value in life
Continuing the wave of serious and even to a certain measure philosophical topics, the film cannot be hidden, starring well-known actors and which only became better thanks to all sentimental moments, beautiful forms and other details. Amazing story of a boy who grew up in someone else's family, and was lucky in his life twice, with a native family and the one he was adopted to. This film, which has connected the story of two cultures, two countries and two worlds, and it's terrific fun to watch.
The debut of a little legend
There are actors of new projects, about which we need to know only one thing: they are shot there. This is usually enough to decide whether going to the movie is worth it, as the eminent and well-known actor is unlikely to spoil the reputation with a bad picture, or even pay attention to it. This time, the situation is similar, but the stars have converged so that the name of the famous actor is not here – only his second name, and even it does not belong to him. Too confusing? No big deal, a couple of minutes and you'll see what – or rather, of whom – we referred.
Strength is in unity
A season of children's films and cartoons takes its time. But now it is time for serious cinema, which dictates not truths, but in practice shows how important the history and all the upheavals that accomplish powerful people in it. After Ben-Hur, a movie that is just ready to blow up theaters, the next big milestone in the history falls on the United Kingdom. We will see an incredibly touching story of a man whose heart and soul are full of love, not only to woman he loves, but also to his nation. This is a person that is responsible for his people, and who will fight for them and their interests.
New Christmas miracle
Disney Studio is known for its love to do first-class musicals and movies based on well-known stories. It's amazing how the studio workers won the trust of not only the audience, but also the stars: it's a great honor for each actor, as in this role, he or she may enter the history. In fact, it is, and a new project The Nutcracker from aforementioned studio promises to be exciting not only because of the writers and loved story, but also because of the entire placer of screen stars who are going to make a fairy tale for the beholders. What are the names we can call now? At the moment, there are only three things about this film, which, we are sure, you will enjoy.
What cannot be killed?
We continue to talk about the future and to speculate on it. What will be there many years later? In fact, judging by the fact that we are seeing in the new Deus Ex, the future has almost come: the graphics in this game is simply a luxury, as well as soundtracks, and even the plot. If we compare what we have seen in the trailer, for example, with the first release of Tomb Raider, the feeling will be such as if from the stone age we were in the most that neither is the future, not the one in which we live now, but one that has not even arrived.
The secret of the future man
Some would say that the man of the future is the Superman, and someone will note that our future is of high technology, including artificial intelligence. If the feature of the Superman is that he, in essence, is an alien, a man of the future according to those who made the film, the one, which we now describe, is an extremely earthly creation. Artificial insemination created the perfect child who not only grows much faster than usual, but will have a phenomenal intellect. How successful will this experiment be?
How to get away from the waves?
We will talk about several waves: first on is the one that swept the entire summer cinema. Cartoons! Bright, vibrant, childish, and not very, but cartoons are now rightly considered literally as Kings of arena, along with films about superheroes and other popular pieces. We just looked at how pets have fun in a big New York City, and now ready to go on a tropical beach for other animals, our old friends from the movie Surf's Up! What waits for us this time? Well, perhaps we can expect nothing more than a… disappointment. Why? Let's try to understand what made viewers so upset.
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