Soundtracks: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

List of artists: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Music Blog

Bullock’s Eleven Instead Of Ocean’s

Old good buddy Ocean wanted to come back on the wide screen but his wife was quicker. Yes, you have heard right – 11 friends are going to be re-made with a woman as a main hero. This woman will be, obviously from the top, Sandra Bullock. After the commercial success of Ocean's Twelve , the producers realized that the continuation is a necessity.

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Shyamalan’s New Visit’s Top Secret

Who doesn’t know Night Shyamalan, who is that popular for his amazingly realistic movies? We guess, even if you didn’t watch his films, you have heard at least. So, the other distinguishing feature of Mr. Night is his intention not to spend much on the movie but to make it very spectacular and worth watching. We just try to find out the mysterious clue to his talent.

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Alice Returns This Spring

Disney studio announced the second part of the movie based on L. Carroll’s book. Classical “Through the looking glass” will be a continuation of legendary “Alice In Wonderland”. Last weekend thousands of fans could finally see tiny part of magic Alice’s world. Disney had shown a short teaser video only 11 seconds long. We must admit that there is everything what could have been even put in such a short period of time.

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Spectr-al Bond Breaks Records

It is amazing how high rates are when we speak about new Bond film named Spectre. Bondiana never saw that exclusively successful release, beneath the all Great Britain, which had Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban strongly holding its position as the best opening. It has been only a week since the release but it already has collected almost 42 million pounds!

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Kingsman Sequel: To Be Or Not To Be

This film was amazingly successful in the whole world – there is nothing too surprising in this. But, when the first part is that impressive, is there any reason to film the second one? Of course, the true fans would be loud as much as possible that they want the continuation of Eggsy’s adventures. But what is the scenario writers’ opinion about this? We think it is our duty to announce that Kingsman Secret service part II officially will appear! We still cannot say will it be a sequel or a prequel but it definitely will be worth watching – at least, to compare. And, by the way, it will happen pretty soon. So, fans of secret agency, you can celebrate and start to cross days in your calendars! What would it be like?

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Jim Carrey’s name is connected to crime

Well-known actor and billion people’s idol is now almost forced to be mentioned in connection with crimes. Of course, it is all about True Crimes, which director has been asking Jim to participate for pretty long time. It is likely that Jim would replace Waltz, who was about to play this role from the very beginning. The plot is based on real events, which makes it even more curious and frightening. We try to find out what new can Carrey carry into this role model. Why actor, who is posed still to be comedian, should play such a serious role? What is the film?

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Demi Moore Meets Alec Baldwin

It’s been 19 years from Baldwin & Moore’s duet and they still do look great together. It is like a good drink – never gets worse with ages, just better. Alec Baldwin would meet Demi in a new film Blind. It is appeared to be a dramatic and sensitive story about two different people meant to be together because of similar family troubles. Both actors are excited about the coming work so we expect something bright and impressive. What is the point?

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Creepy Pride Ruins Stereotypes

Have you ever read Jane Austen? Her ageless and deathless Pride and prejudice continue collecting opinions even in classic variant, but it is obviously not good enough. If it is not so, what is the point in repeating the old plot over and over again? The creators of new vision decided that there are too many words spoken and too many thoughts thought. That is the reason why they perform better (or weirder) way of this novel. Of course, we are going to discuss new Pride and prejudice and Zombie. What does it mean?

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Voorhees Is Forced Not To Murder Until 2017

There are several multiserial movies we honor and adore. Friday the 13th is one of them. It is a classical horror movie which has a slightly predictable plot but filmed pretty good so we don’t pay any attention on its simplicity. An original and scary villain, a lot of frightened to death sacrifices, plenty of forest mysterious views – what else do we need to enjoy the movie? Of course, its continuation! What’s the news?

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Netflix Returns Its Best Girls

Have you ever seen Gilmore Girls ? Whatever the answer is, probably you should find the old tapes or surf the internet trying to find archive of previous seven seasons as these crazy girls are about to come back! Yes, absolutely you have heard correctly (but you can read once again if you still don’t believe). Netflix decided to make the next season pretty soon (which is for sure better than never!). What is the point of returning?

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Amazingly High Prices For The New Star Wars

There are a lot of people inspired and excited with the new Star Wars movie coming soon. And there is also no secret that economical situation all over the world survives not its best times, so the movie tickets’ price increased dramatically in comparison with the previous years. Nowadays, to watch some lovely film in the theater with, for example, your wife and child or a couple of friends would not be cheaper than 50 or even 60 dollars. Of course, it won’t stop true fan, but what price will be then? We found a place where you can (or cannot) buy a ticket for… 10 000 dollars!

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A Crush In A Jolie Pitt Couple

One of the most, if not the most, beautiful and harmonic duet in Hollywood – Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, so-called Brangelina. Everyone heard about their beautiful children, happy life and a lot of challengers they passed through together. All these rumors sound very impressive and touching but we cannot say for sure what exactly is going on inside happy couple. Sometimes work that married people do together shows their attitude to each other and their priorities as well. New movie By the sea was not only played but also written and directed by Brangelina.

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A Defiant Scandal At The Suffragette Premiere

New film named Suffragette starring such famous actresses as Helena Bohnam Carter, Carey Mulligan etc. had a great opening with a scandal. Women from activists’ division performed an action of protest. Despite no injuries or harm was stated, the action was loud and effective. What happened and why?

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A password for Freeman & Cumberbatch is still SherLOCKED

Probably, fans of BBC Sherlock can be the best wives and husbands in the case of separation as these people are the best at waiting. Last season was finished long time ago and the new one comes only in 2016. But, realizing there are plenty of time to wait, creators of the movie decided to make a short trailer. It surprisingly appeared to be very weird as the action wasn’t happening in habitual time…

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Why Cannot Reynolds Show His Face

The main trouble with superheroes in movies is that you cannot always hide them under mask. But if the mask would be removed, everyone will see the hero’s character and he wouldn’t be a mystery anymore. Deadpool is an exception from this rule and Ryan Reynolds, who performs a character, explained the reasons. We were surprised! It is appeared that this superhero is not like the others so he can wear his costume with even more pride!

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The Most Unusual Stars’ Costumes at Halloween

Every year stars try to impress each other and their fans with the worst costumes. But worst doesn’t mean bad, not in this time. All these costumes are made for Halloween – the spookiest festival of the year! We try to collect all the best and weirdest costumes to inspire you as Halloween is coming soon! Top-5

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Scandalous DiCaprio Movie

Leo DiCaprio is famous, first of all, for his talent. Performing on big cinema’ screen, Leonardo earned an army of fans and their gratitude and adoration that are completely endless. But now (please, forgive us this joke as we are upset about this fact too), probably, being desperate to receive Oscar prize, Leo decided to try himself in a new sphere.

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Mystery Around Aronofsky And Lawrence Duet

Jennifer Lawrence is a very busy actress. She is popular now and her next coming soon motion picture will appear on a big screen already in less than in a month! It will be the last part of The Hunger Games saga. Moreover, a month more passes and we will see the next movie “Joy” with Jen in the main role. Not much time ago, she was offered to perform in Aronofsky’s new movie and actress immediately admitted what it is an honor for her.

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With No Rings Till The End Of The Year

Another remake of the movie The Ring, which was created firstly in Japan, was delayed. The movie was about to be shown this autumn but the creators announced that it probably won’t come on the wide screen until next year. Why was it postponed?

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Star Wars saga has new secrets

Best news for Star Wars fans: the premiere comes in only two months! Already in December we will be able to follow cosmic saga heroes’ adventures. But are the characters the same and what to expect from the new movie? Who did this?

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Drew Goddart opened 3 mysteries about Martian

Without any stupid jokes, how can one write a screenplay where more than 80% is just silent views on Mars? Martian creators know the answer. What is the Big Secret?

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Johnny Cash And His New Blonde Neighbor

A few new and very shiny stars are going to appear on the Walk of Fame in the nearest future. Their owners would be Johnny Cash, Steve Cropper and some other newborn pop-stars. Pathway of stars would be enlarged with at least four more:

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Elton John still wants to fight for Russian LGBT’s rights

Elton John is famous not only for his music but also for his open position and view on the gays’ rights. There is no secret that homosexuals in Russia are treated very badly because of lack of tolerance. Sir Elton is full of intention to ruin all stereotypes and break Russian gays’ free!

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Keith shows how alive he is

Keith Richards is an icon of rock-music and he is not going to stop on what’s already achieved! The musician now is 71 years old and he just performed with his new album. As in the past, in the 1992, Richards continues singing his songs about love and life and he is still damn good at it!

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Madonna is against Catholics

Madonna is an absolutely ageless woman and an iconic singer and she is such kind of person, with whom something always happens. There is no surprise, as she is a mass-media personality and every situation with her worth notice of paparazzi.

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Emily Blunt for Marry Poppins

Emily Blant’s name is like a synonym for a strong woman, filled in armor after releasing her last “Edge of Tomorrow”. According to the actress herself, there are only few women who are suitable for such roles. The list includes, according to her:

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“The Martian”

New film starring Matt Damon has not yet entered on a wide screen and is planned to open the Festival in Toronto in October. The plot includes the main character (Damon) who got into a terrible crash and left on Mars while others, he thought, were dead. After a while, his spaceship began to show some signs of life and NASA realized that the astronaut was actually alive. The thing is it takes four more years for the expedition to reach the Mars and save him but there are only thirty days he can stay alive for sure. So the main intrigue is in wondering will Damon’s character survive or not.

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TV show “The Steps”

All of you, who wrinkled their noses as soon as heard about new comedy TV show – remember that seeing familiar face on the screen is a half of success. New show ‘The Steps’ was written after a Netflix-week, and this fact makes it even more doomed for clichés. Its screenwriter was Robyn Harding if this name tells you anything about the show’s quality. Those who already watched this piece have noticed that you can follow the plot while holding your finger upon the button in case of switching off the channel if only there will something more exciting appears. All the prognoses are not very good just because the main pluses are well-known actors and the main point is “family only matters”.

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